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Which is the Best Choice: Campus vs. Online Education

The global pandemic caused a furore in people all over the world. Living in a lockdown situation changed peoples’ lives. This ‘new normal’ situation caused turmoil in the education system globally. Universities and colleges were forced to shut down their gates which has never happened in history and opened the way to online learning. Online classes kept the learning on track. Online education became the necessity of the new normal situation and gave a new direction to the learning process.

On the other hand, if we talk about campus education or the traditional way of learning, you to go the premises for your learning. In offline education, you are face to face with your tutor. Both education modes have their advantages and disadvantages. Let's discuss how this worldwide pandemic gave a new direction to our education beliefs.

Changes that the education industry has gone through during the pandemic

Let's accept that online education has evolved as a necessity during the pandemic.

The advancement in digital education: the level of e-learning reached a pinnacle that was not seen before, although it was there for a very long time. A variety of online platforms like google meet, classroom, and zoom app made their way in this line. Teachers worldwide updated their skills to get acquainted with the technology. Online courses websites like Udemy, Coursera, essay help, and other assignment writing services came up with new courses and essay writing services.

Gave a way to education: Earlier students were waiting for vaccination as option to resume education because it affected with their studies, but online learning gave way through this problem.

What is online education?

Online education is the mode of education which involves technology and internet. In online mode you can take virtual classes for your learnings with the help of platforms like goggle meet, classroom, zoom and other video conferencing apps available. All your study material is available online and tutors or teaching professional will take class virtually.

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Pros of Online Learning

  • Online learning is flexible. It gives freedom of learning at your own pace on your own time.
  • Since it’s an online learning, you have to be present virtually and not physically. You can take classes online from all over the world. For example, you are studying in UK and have to finish dissertation or academic writing for your degree, you can take assignment writing help, dissertation writing help or essay writing help in the UK
  • Virtual learning is convenient as you don’t have to travel or rush to a place. If not feeling well you can watch it later as per your convenience. You don’t have to get ready for classes, instead you can take them in your comfortable clothes. 
  • It saves your time which you must have invested in travelling or waiting for professors sitting in college. You can multi-task by scheduling your class timings coordinating with other work.
  • Online classes are affordable. Instead of paying exorbitant fees that most colleges charge you can opt for online classes or distant learning courses. It saves your house rent and other expenses which have to be paid when you take offline classes. You can save money on food and transport.
  • Online classes are interactive. Even if you are sitting in a class of 60, you are attending one on one session only, as you can ask, raise your hand and talk to the instructor. There no first bench and last bench concept.
  • At some places still girls and women not allowed to education, so for then it’s a boon.
  • Cons of online classes
  • In one of the studies, it has been observed that the screen time of individuals have increased. Students spend more time on computer. It added to more distraction.
  • Students face internet issues at some places while some are not equipped with enough knowledge and technology.

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What is offline education?

Offline education is where you have to be present physically. Both the tutor and students attend the class at a particular centre or university.

Pros of offline education

  • Offline education gives you chance to interact with you batchmates and you can ask your queries and discuss your subject.
  • There is less distraction

Cons of offline education

  • Expensive mode
  • Still uses traditional tools and ways of teaching.

Coming to the conclusion, it actually depends on person to person and accessibility. You can choose any mode as per your convenience. But online education is always a better option. Because of the ease of online classes many people benefitted from essay help by taking dissertation writing help, English dissertation help etc.