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Resume Writing: A Comprehensive How-To-Do-It Guide

Are you someone who is looking for jobs but struggling in writing them? It is a very common problem among candidates as the resume is the first impression you can give to the recruiter. You are not the only one going through this, there are millions of candidates who apply for jobs but get rejected only because of a bad resume. Sometimes you have the skills and work experience but because you could not show it properly, you lose the job. There are many Resume Writing Services available on the internet to help the people like you. You can avail of those services if you cannot write by yourself. But at least you should give it a try simply by following the given steps in this article. These are very helpful and genuine steps that can make you write a job-grabbing resume to impress the Hiring manager.

Resume writing- Steps for Formatting

  1. Choose a perfect format for your resume: A right format for your resume is very important as it can help in highlighting the strengths and downplay the weaknesses. It also becomes easy to read and recruiters can find the key information that they need. You can choose the appropriate format from the three standard formats. You can take some tips from the internet by searching “Resume writing” or “Presentation & Speech writing by professional”.
  2. Give your resume a unique headline: To make your resume stand out among others, you should write a unique and catchy headline. It will grab the reader’s attention which will encourage him to read your entire resume with more interest. It should be a one-line description of who you are as an employee or a candidate.
  3. Format the resume to make it easy for ATS to read: It is vital to format your resume correctly if you want to be on the list of recruiters and want to get more interviews. As the resumes are now read by ATS then, the formatting should be according to it, the system should be able to read it otherwise it will be rejected in the first place.

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Resume writing- What details to add?

  1. Add your correct personal details and contact information: No matter how great your resume is if there are no personal details added then how are they supposed to contact you? So, it is necessary to add your accurate personal details like name, number, E-mail ID, location, etc. You should add your personal number so that it is easier to communicate and that mail or call should not be ignored by you even by mistake.
  2. Add your certifications and education details: You have to add your academic qualifications in your resume and the certificates if you have ever got in any field. If you are a fresher then you should add it at the start of your resume and if you are an experienced candidate then you should write your experience first then about your education.  
  3. Mention your work experience and skills: This section is most looked at by recruiters because they need to see your work experience to hire you. You should add the proper details of your past company and the job title you had. Mention the years of your work experience. Add your all skills and the reasons why you can be an asset to them. Don’t forget to add your responsibilities and achievements.

Other important details

  1. Use ATS-friendly keywords: The companies get hundreds of resumes on the daily basis and it is very difficult for humans to review them so they use the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to sort out the resumes. For ATS to choose your resume, you need to use the keywords of your experience and skills is important. They should be related to the description of the job.
  2. Add objective and summary to your resume: According to a study, it is found that recruiters only spend 8 to 10 seconds reading a resume and deciding whether the candidate is appropriate for the job or not. So, adding a summary that includes your experience, makes it easier for the recruiter to know about your skills. It should also include your objectives in bullet points.
  3. Don’t forget to add a cover letter: You should submit the cover letter with the resume. The cover letter consists of your skills and work experience and the main aim of the cover letter is to make the hiring manager more interested in your resume. It should be one page long so that it's easy to understand.


Having a great resume opens up many doors of employment for you. It is the first step of your professional journey. So, keep it as genuine as you can, and do not overwrite your abilities.


1. Do writing a resume comes under academic writing?

Ans. Yes, you can consider it in academic writing because it is taught to the students of high school who are doing graduation. It is a skill that everyone needs to learn as it will be helpful to them at some phase.

2. What are things to keep in mind while writing a resume?

Ans. You need to pay attention to small details and mentioning things like educational qualifications, work experience, skills, etc. are very important. Keep the title catchy and crisp to hold the attention of the hiring manager.

3. Can I ask someone else to write my resume?

Ans. Yes, you can avail of services of the best quality assignment help as they have professionals who can write a good resume for you. You just need to provide them with all your details.

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